Thursday, May 5, 2011

Summary of my Short Story

In my short story, you will learn about the life of a young girl, who just graduated from college, (Princeton University) and has her life all planned out, so she thought. One day in her normal life she woke up with a bad cough, she was coughing so much that it brought pain to her. She went to the doctor and he diagnosed her with cancer. A Christian would normal pray or do a fast of some sort when receiving bad news like this, but this young girl was not religious, and she definitely did not plan on praying to someone her friends called God. She was given 2 years to live if she did not undergo treatment, but she thought that she was invincible, she thought that the doctors did not know what they were talking about, weeks past, and then months. Is she really dying? She thought this numerous amounts of times. She was then “attacked”. She got fired, lost her home, and she could not turn to her friends and family. When she had no one left, and no one else to turn to, she called on Jesus, Satan did not win this battle, although Satan thought he had another follower under his dominion.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What the devil is like in my Short Story

Everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve. The Lord told Eve and Adam that they could eat anything they wanted in the Garden except from one particular tree, that tree would give them an abundance of knowledge. A serpent came and tried to deceive them, the serpent was never called the Devil or Satan but we refer to the serpent as a symbol of the devil. He tried and was successful in getting them to eat off of the tree. When they ate the forbidden fruit, which we say was an apple today, their eyes were widened. The Lord knew they had eaten from the tree, because when he called to them, they hid themselves. The Lord then told them that they would be punished for their sin, and disobedience. The devil in “Sympathy for the devil” is a more modern rock star like devil. He is described as stylish and vain. Milton’s devil is very powerful and he is allowed to roam the Earth and bring misfortune to others because it will eventually bring salvation to God’s Children. The devil in my short story is very modern. He takes form as other people and sometimes he even takes form as objects. In my story the main character is a non-believer who is very busy, even too busy for church, and definitely to busy to pray. The devil thinks that because the main character is not a Christian he will have an easy target, but he was mistaken. Through this the main character becomes very tied to Faith, and gets a personal relationship with Jesus.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Setting of Short Story

The scene of my short story takes place in an average city. The city is not a real city, but it has all of the characteristics a normal, everyday city has. It has all buildings, loud buses, subways, and trains, and a lot of people. The reason the setting of the short story is so important is because in cities the population is bigger than it is in a normal rural or urban area is. Because of the bigger population there is in cities it means that in my short story Satan has a more open target when it comes to attacking or trying to make someone his subject and Satan can use these people to do evil things, until he meets the main character of the story. Satan can use this big population to his advantage. The reason why I chose a city was because I wanted Satan to be able to have a wide, diverse group of people he could choose from, including different colors, ages, gender, and all religions. This way Satan can show the people that they are excluded or exempt from his powers. Satan is very powerful and all of the people in the city are not capable of escaping his tricks.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Family of Pascual Duarte and Dark Knight

The Family of Pascual Duarte is about a man who is waiting for his death in a jail cell. While he waits for his death he tells the story about his family and each of his family members. He tells about his life as being poor and being a Hispanic. He continues to talk about his life throughout the whole book, while he waits for his execution. He was in jail because of the way he acted in his life. He was arrested for his crimes and murders. This is similar to Macbeth in many reasons. He is like Macbeth because he commits murders to people for no reason. Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo, although Macbeth would argue that he has motive because he wanted to be King. I picked this story because it seems realistic. There are people in the world that do things in their life because they feel as if there were no other option and no other way to survive. Once Macbeth started to kill people it was like he became immune to emotions. Lady Macbeth also had a role in that because she pressured him and persuaded him into these murders. Unfortunately this story does not relate to Beowulf or any other tails we have read because the other tails we have read are more heroic and humane.

I chose the Dark Knight because I have never seen it before. It seems like a good movie but I would not know because I have never seen this movie. This movie seems to relate to Macbeth because there is a lot of chaos in this movie. This movie relates to Beowulf because Bat man is a hero, although they are both heroes I believe that Bat Man is not as vain and as self absorbed as Beowulf is. Batman the Dark Knight was based off of the comic Bat Man. Like Macbeth Batman has a sidekick in a way. Lady Macbeth is Macbeth’s sidekick, she leads him and tells him what to do and makes sure he does not do the wrong thing or get caught. For example when Macbeth killed Duncan he panicked and he almost got caught. Macbeth then had to make sure that everything did not look like a murder, and she had to make sure it did not look like Macbeth did it. Although Robin, who I do not think is in the movie, is in the comic books, he helps him and makes sure he is staying focused and getting the job done. I look forward to seeing this movie.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Christmas Carol Vs. Macbeth

“Humbug!” My favorite ghost story is A Christmas Carol. Everyone knows about Ebenezer Scrooge, and how he is a mean old cheap man who does not enjoy Christmas. He is visited by three ghosts because of his behavior. Similar to Macbeth when he is visited by Banquo’s ghost Ebenezer Scrooge is shocked and a little worried about seeing the ghosts. Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future. The coincidence between Ebenezer Scrooge and Macbeth is oddly similar; they are both obsessed with materialistic things. Ebenezer Scrooge is obsessed with money and it causes him to lose a woman who left him because of his addiction to money. Macbeth is similar to Ebenezer because of his obsession with power and being in control of people. Ebenezer and Macbeth also have a breaking point where they show that they are both humans, when Macbeth murdered Duncan he became panicked and it showed that he had emotions, as well as Ebenezer when he saw that he lost that woman he cried. The ghosts of A Christmas Carol and the ghost of Banquo are similar because all of the ghosts made the people they haunted realize something and somehow change them as a person or their behavior at the time.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Macbeth has Schizophrenia

Macbeth has schizophrenia.  It doesn’t have to be said that he is crazy because he wants to murder people.  Not only does he want to murder people but when someone is murdered he acts the opposite of his wife and he freaks out.  Before the murder took place he was hallucinating.  Hallucinating is one of the symptoms of schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it difficult to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences, to think logically, to have normal emotional responses, and to behave normally in social situations.”  For more information click here. When Macbeth was hallucinating he saw a floating dagger, not only did he see a floating dagger but it had blood on it.  After he murdered Duncan he started to feel extremely anxious and he panicked, then Lady Macbeth insulted his manhood and took care of it herself.  Anxiety is a symptom of the paranoid type of schizophrenia.