Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What the devil is like in my Short Story

Everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve. The Lord told Eve and Adam that they could eat anything they wanted in the Garden except from one particular tree, that tree would give them an abundance of knowledge. A serpent came and tried to deceive them, the serpent was never called the Devil or Satan but we refer to the serpent as a symbol of the devil. He tried and was successful in getting them to eat off of the tree. When they ate the forbidden fruit, which we say was an apple today, their eyes were widened. The Lord knew they had eaten from the tree, because when he called to them, they hid themselves. The Lord then told them that they would be punished for their sin, and disobedience. The devil in “Sympathy for the devil” is a more modern rock star like devil. He is described as stylish and vain. Milton’s devil is very powerful and he is allowed to roam the Earth and bring misfortune to others because it will eventually bring salvation to God’s Children. The devil in my short story is very modern. He takes form as other people and sometimes he even takes form as objects. In my story the main character is a non-believer who is very busy, even too busy for church, and definitely to busy to pray. The devil thinks that because the main character is not a Christian he will have an easy target, but he was mistaken. Through this the main character becomes very tied to Faith, and gets a personal relationship with Jesus.

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