Thursday, May 5, 2011

Summary of my Short Story

In my short story, you will learn about the life of a young girl, who just graduated from college, (Princeton University) and has her life all planned out, so she thought. One day in her normal life she woke up with a bad cough, she was coughing so much that it brought pain to her. She went to the doctor and he diagnosed her with cancer. A Christian would normal pray or do a fast of some sort when receiving bad news like this, but this young girl was not religious, and she definitely did not plan on praying to someone her friends called God. She was given 2 years to live if she did not undergo treatment, but she thought that she was invincible, she thought that the doctors did not know what they were talking about, weeks past, and then months. Is she really dying? She thought this numerous amounts of times. She was then “attacked”. She got fired, lost her home, and she could not turn to her friends and family. When she had no one left, and no one else to turn to, she called on Jesus, Satan did not win this battle, although Satan thought he had another follower under his dominion.

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